
Sunday, February 7, 2016

Justin Pace - A Known Scam Artist in the Vehicle Import and Export Business

A legally imported R32, and R34 GT-R by

Well, we can hardly call this piece of shit a business guy. However he has been around a while, and it seems he is still continuing to scam people.

Justin Pace. JDM Exchange

Just this week got this message from someone.

It seems like he might have sold someone a "track car."  However a track car doesn't exist. People don't like to be told they can't have something because its illegal.  They want some scam artist to tell them they can do it, and they have a "loophole."  The loophole doesn't exist. The scam artist gets his money, the buyer gets fucked.

There is a Facebook Group of people that have been scammed here -

The $96,250 scam.  Next Level Motorsports, and JDM Exchange.

 I had Eric send me his business license, and Eric’s business partner Justin Pace, who owns JDM Exchange and handles all of the logistics send me export certificates, HS-7′s, and Bill’s of Lading of other cars he (allegedly) imported. I extensively googled his name, and I found one, at most two posts of people who though he was a scam, but no one who actually stated that they were scammed by him. That seemed sufficient for me (In hindsight though, I should have listened to my gut instinct), so I went ahead and pulled the trigger. Now I realize that all of these documents were forged.

Despite nearly everyone’s warnings on this site in December, I went ahead and purchased the 2002 Nissan Skyline R34 GT-R V-SPEC II Nür, the cream of the crop of skyline’s, for $96,250 USD. There is no typo on the price there. That price included the car itself and compliance work. The car only had 12,000 km on it.
My plan was to hold onto it for a couple years, and then sell it for a profit so that I could buy a cheap house along with the money I earned in those 2 years. Now I’m nearly flat broke. If I am lucky, my car was illegally imported. If it’s not in the country (legally or illegally), then this will be a long and arduous civil case.

Just a little background about this deal. I have dealt with Justin primarily, and I’ll give him credit where credit is due, he is an EXCELLENT bullshitter. He acts like he knows a lot about importing, and he seems to have all of the answers. He is very good at diverting questions you ask him. I didn’t know a lot about importing, and what I did know he mentioned to me and “explained” how it worked, and like an idiot I bought it. He even has contacts in Japan, I actually talked to them and they told me that they had been dealing with Justin for a while. These are the extreme measures he took to fool me.
When push came to shove though, and I asked for the Bill of Lading which he stated he has, I noticed he started ducking me. I’ve asked for this document over a dozen times, and he has failed to provide it, each time providing a different excuse, such as power being out, internet not working, being sick, and this isn’t even a comprehensive list.

More stuff has popped up on the internet about these guys since I purchased the car. Justin Pace, owner of JDM Exchange in San Francisco and who lives in Antioch, CA and Eric Thomas, owner of Next Level Motorsport in Williston, VT are SCAMMERS.
I am former Marine with two year long deployments to Iraq, who is a combat veteran.
If anyone else is a member of other car forums, please spread this message along, I don’t want to see anyone else get scammed. Below are the following links of where I found connections to these guys (mostly Justin), they have popped up in the last couple months after I did further research. Apparently Justin used to own a company called JapImportUSA. I can’t find anyone who was scammed by them, but there is a lot of talk about them…t-selling.html…a-co/reno.aspx…-Possible-Scam…raigslist.html

Eric and Justins websites (now gone)

Apparently there was a girl in Alabama who was scammed by Justin too…skyline/page-3

I’ve spoken to Justin dozens of times, and **** a few times, and all three of us even had a conference call last night to try to sort things out.

Message to ****. I know you locked down registration, but feel free to invite Justin and Eric onto the forums, it’s only fair to allow them to defend themselves, even though I don’t see how that is possible when I paid for the car, it was supposed to be delivered June 22nd, and I still haven’t received it, or any documentation. If you could make this a sticky it would be much appreciated.

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