
Saturday, January 15, 2011

SEMA Action Network Registration and Title Requirements for the 50 States


SEMA Action Network has provided this online guide to registering and titling your hobby car in all 50 states. The great part about it, is that it is all consolidated into a single document. This makes referencing back and forth much easier, and you don’t need to have 4 or 5 websites open to figure out what needs to be done.  For instance the California document is 58 pages long, and covers everything from emissions, to specialty constructed vehicles, and historic vehicles.  Head on over to the site, and support the SAN.


As a whole, each document provides a great jumping off point for enthusiasts looking to get an overview of the registration and titling process in their state, as well as an informative reference for those in the middle of the process who are in need of clarification on the finer points of their state’s laws.

This site was created to serve as a useful supplement in the in the registration and titling of your hobby car. The information contained herein is current as of December 31, 2010. Please be advised that these state laws and regulations are subject to change. Please consult the current statutes and regulations for your state of interest to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within this volume.


Source: SEMA

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